Liceo Malpighi was chosen by the Education Ministry for the opportunity to offer an Optional Three Year Track in Biology with a Biomedicine Focus for students in their first three years of high school.
This focus allows students to delve into the scientific subjects in a way that the students who hope to one day study medicine or healthcare can begin right away to understand what this would entail and if this is the right path for them. The course, naturally, also has the goal of preparing students in a more specific way for eventual university admissions exams.
This project is included in the protocol Intesa (prot. 3095 del 21/3/2017) signed by MIUR and the Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri (FUMCeO) and the goal is to orient students who harbor a particular interest in the study of biology and medicine.
Liceo Malpighi is the only school in Bologna involved in this project. Overall, the project includes 70 scholastic institutions throughout the country; each one collaborates with their respective provincial Federations of FUMCeO. Each phase of the project is monitored by a committee created by MIUR and FIMCeO and at the end students take an exam conducted by the Education Ministry.
This three-year project includes 150 hours total (50 hours per year) divided in modules, some of which are taught by the Science teachers, as well as professional doctors and surgeons, while others are made up of internships in healthcare facilities.