More than 130 years of education

The Malpighi Schools offer a shared educational path, from Nursery School to High School.

Today we are present in Bologna, Castel S. Pietro Terme and Cento: 5 schools, 1. 460 students and over 200 teachers, tutors and educators.

The High School in Bologna, the schools in Castel S. Pietro and Cento are managed by the Ritiro S. Pellegrino Foundation, while the Middle Schools in Bologna are managed by the Cardinal Carlo Oppizzoni Foundation.

The two Foundations have always worked in a synergistic way, sharing the same educational approach in all its aspects.


Everything stems from a passion for teaching.

  • 1883 - 1883 - Father Antonio Costa founds the G. Mezzofanti Secondary School (with a Classics-centred curriculum) in the S. Martino Maggiore Parish in Bologna. The school stands out for the large number of lay teachers, some of whom are also university professors.

    1911 - After a few years in S. Alò Street, the Oratorian Fathers take over the management of the school, which is moved to Via Monari and re-named after Marcello Malpighi.
  • 1919 - A technical curriculum is offered alongside the Classics-centred one. For a while, the school is moved back to S. Alò Street.

    1926 - Monsignor Eutemio Grandi becomes headmaster. For 40 years, he has a profound impact on the life of the school and the city as a whole with his faith and his educational charism.
  • 1939 - The Malpighi High School is moved to Corte Galluzzi.

    1943 – A Scientific curriculum is opened, which still exists to this day.
  • 1975 - The school is moved to its current location in S. Isaia Street and a few years later a foreign languages curriculum is opened.

    1988 - The Ritiro S. Pellegrino Foundation takes over the management of the Malpighi High School. Some teachers, strongly supported by President Monsignor Benazzi and His Eminence Cardinal Biffi, infuse new enthusiasm into the school’s educational proposal
  • 1991 - The European Economic curriculum is born, as a result of the close collaboration between the school and representatives of the academic and entrepreneurial world. From the very beginning, scholarships are made available to cover tuition fees. Cav. E. Montanelli is the first to invest on the idea that Malpighi provides an authentically public service, open to all, irrespective of one’s income.
  • 1993 - The science-centred "Research Curriculum” and the Linguistic "European Communication Curriculum" are born.

    1995 – Elena Ugolini becomes Headmistress.
  • 1999 - The Malpighi Middle School is opened. At its core is the focus on "foundational" subjects such as Italian and Mathematics, and on acquiring an excellent mastery of English without neglecting the laboratorial approach to Music and Art.

    2003 - The High School main building and facilities in S. Isaia Street are completely renovated. A new gym and new laboratories are built.
  • 2004 - The “Bologna Rifà Scuola Project” is born, aiming to bring education back under the spotlight of the cultural debate.
  • 2005 - The Didactic Centre in Audinot St. is inaugurated, hosting the new Middle School and the Specialized Centre for Learning. The Centre is built with the financial support of the CARISBO Foundation, thanks to the involvement of prof. Roversi Monaco, and funds from the Bologna Rifà Scuola project.
  • 2007 -The “Martino Ti orienta” project is born. This orientation project is addressed not only to Malpighi students but to all students in the province of Bologna who are in their final high-school year.
  • 2008 - The Ducati Foundation and the Malpighi High School create “Fisica in moto”: the interactive Physics laboratory dedicated to high school students from all over Italy.
  • 2008 -With the blessing of H.E. Cardinal Caffarra, the Ritiro San Pellegrino Foundation led by president Fr. G. Porcarelli takes over the historic Visitandine Schools in Castel S. Pietro Terme and inaugurates an Applied Sciences High school curriculum there.
  • 2016 - Malpighi schools expand even further. The Ritiro S. Pellegrino Foundation takes over management of the Elisabetta Renzi Schools in Cento, a vibrant educational institution with a Nursery School, a Primary School and a Middle School.

    The Malpighi high school in Bologna becomes the first secondary school in Italy to be accredited as an official SAT Test Centre.
  • 2016 - In the same year, the Malpighi La.B. is inaugurated. A multi-purpose laboratory for computer science, robotics and automation, coding and 3D design, the La.B. is available to all Malpighi students. The main partner and financial supporter of the Malpighi La.B. is the Bonfiglioli family.
  • 2018 - A second Malpighi Middle School in Bologna is born: the Villa Revedin Campus offers an innovative way of experiencing education. The Campus features 2200 square metres of indoor space; an 11-hectare park; a didactic Vegetable Garden; science, technology and STEAM laboratories, as well as outdoor classrooms and sport facilities.
  • 2020 -With the contribution of FAAC the Obeya Lab is built next to the Malpighi La.B., further expanding the high school’s laboratorial facilities.
  • Scuole Medie Malpighi Revedin Sport Park
    2021 - Thanks to UnipolSai, sport facilities are built in the Villa Revedin park: an air dome, a football pitch and a multi-sport area.